Saturday, May 22, 2010

Emotional Eating

Yesterday was a struggle.  After feeling so proud for running two days in a row on my own I woke up to feel my shin splints rearing their ugly head. I was extremely disappointed because I had felt so good during my run that I thought that my increased fitness level might possibly be scaring them away.  No such luck.  Time to pull the bike down!

Later that afternoon the Spicy Chicken called with some news about his job.  Given the current state of the economy you can probably guess that this wasn't a reduction in worklload.  And while I fully realize I should be grateful that he even has a job, he already works 10+ hour days and travels 3 days a week, so I was a little distressed about the news.  Take a little tired, add a dash of frustration, sprinkle on a little resentment and you get a strong urge to do some major emotional eating.  

Though I certainly didn't set any healthy eating records I did much better than I would've three weeks ago when things went awry. I felt Hyam on my shoulder when I ordered the third beer, and I promised her it would be the last one of the night (it was, btw). I knew it wasn't going to make any of the frustration go away - and certainly wasn't going to help my self-esteem.  Thank goodness she seems to follow me everywhere I go (or could that actually be me starting to make small changes?).

The best part of the evening came, however, when we got home and I settled down behind my computer.  I opened up my Facebook account to see a message entitled "You Are My Hero".  It couldn't have come at a better time - and really, who wouldn't love to read that?  

Well, you can, in the next post! 

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