Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Finish Line

It is taking everything in my power not to climb back into bed this morning.  It's rainy, gloomy and there's a mountain of laundry staring back at me.  Oh, and then there's that whole funeral thing...

Many of you know that my dear friend Chrissy passed away earlier this week after a long, hard-fought battle with cancer.  Needless to say, it's been a tough week.  It's actually been a tough couple of months as Chrissy, true to her self, battled hard against this disease even when it was raging through her entire body, refusing to let go until she was ready.  That's our girl. If there was one thing you could say about Chrissy it was that she was strong. And stubborn...And smart...And beautiful...And amazing...

We were extremely fortunate that Chrissy's family opened their home to us during the last few days of her life.  Our friends spent every moment possible with them from the time she fell into a coma until she took her final breaths.  We took turns sitting by her bedside all weekend long. My girlfriends and I were able to hang out with her for hours, talking about our memories with her, giving her the lowdown on what was going on in our lives, telling her how much we loved her and how proud we were of her and assuring her that it was okay for her to let go now.  She didn't like that last one, of course, and occasionally let us know about it with a long, hard sigh that sometimes sounded like "Noooo!"  

These are conversations you never really expect to have with a friend at my age - Chrissy was just 41.  I will miss my friend immensely - the way she got things done when nobody else could - the way she smiled - the way she wasn't afraid to take on anything (including cancer and the greased watermelon contest at the club!).  My sadness, however, is much greater for her family than myself.  If the pain in my heart is this great, theirs must be unimaginable.  I don't doubt her husband's ability to handle things, but I weep for the fact that he has to. And I know her kids will not only survive, they will excel (these are Chrissy's kids, after all) but I ache because she won't be there to see it.  

Chrissy was a great athlete and had a love for running that, hard as I try, I will never have.  Even when cancer was trying to beat her down, she'd don her running shoes and push herself as far as her body allowed. I promised I'd take her with me when I cross the finish line at the C'ville Ten Miler - even if it means I have to crawl!

In Chrissy's memory I will be doing the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in Colorado June 23-24, the Susan G. Komen 3-Day in Washington D.C. October 12-14 and, of course, the Women's 4 Miler (as my friends have done for years).  While I know it won't change Chrissy's fate my hope is that it will change that of someone else.

We miss you so much Chrissy, but you will always and forever be in our hearts.  I have no doubt that you are already up in heaven seeking out a position on the Board of Directors, organizing a Sweet Adelines Chapter, and showing the boys a thing or two on the volleyball court.  I know you will have things whipped into shape by the time we get there.  In the meantime we will try to uphold your legacy down here (but if you're expecting me to get the FV BOD Minutes out in a timely fashion you might be waiting awhile).  I will see you at the Finish Line.


  1. This is an amazing story to be shared. I never got to meet Chrissy, but through all that you have shared, I have been touched by Chrissy. Bless her husband and children. It sounds as though she left so much love and pride behind with them that hopefully it will see them through. I can assure you that you touched her life just as she did your's. Chrissy has made everyone a little stronger.

  2. Amy,
    I am so saddened to read about the loss of your dear friend. The fact that she was surrounded by so much love and support is beautiful. Thinking of you and praying for her family.
    Take Care,
